Saying from Gurdjieff’s Pupils

These sayings come from the following pupils of Gurdjieff’s pupils: Alfred Orage Peter Ouspensky Maurice Nicoll Jane Heap Jeanne de Salzmann. Orage #1Orage #2OuspenskyNicoll #1Nicoll #2Heapde Salzmann Be a pianist, not a piano. Beings differ in the potentiality of...


Sayings from Gurdjieff’s writings: Mullah Nassr Eddin (from the Tales) Gurdjieff’s Father (from Meetings With Remarkable Men) Gurdjieff (from Life is Real Only Then When “I am.” And of Gurdjieff, from other sources. Mullah Nassr EddinGurdjieff's FatherFrom Life is...


Gurdjieff adorned the walls of The Study House at the Prieuré with these aphorisms.  Prieuré #1Prieuré #2Prieuré #3Prieuré #4 Like what “it” does not like. The highest that a man can attain is to be able to do. The worse the conditions of life the more productive the...


Alejandro Jodorowsky reports that Gurdjieff gave these “Commandments for living” to his daughter Reyna D’Assia. They were published in a book entitled The Spiritual Journey of Alejandro Jodorowsky. " 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8 Accept that nothing belongs to you.Admit that...