Personal Practice

Members attend weekly meetings of the group. At each meeting an exercise is given. Members attempt the exercise through the week and part of the weekly meeting involves a reporting back and  discussion.

The Preparation

In addition to the exercises, all members perform what is called the preparation every day. This is a twenty minute (or so) period of what could be termed “meditation.”

We provide two videos for new members to help them understand and to guide them through a preparation session. The videos of the Preparation are:

  1. Introduction
  2. Guided Session

In is important for members to understand that the preparation is the do of the octave of the day. It is time that you reserve for yourself. It is your time. Members need to establish the habit of taking 20 minutes for themselves every day.


Group members are expected to pursue their own education in the Work, in the sense of reading relevant book and, where possible, watching relevant videos. We provide a recommended reading list. Click here to view.

Group Fees

Group fees are $40 per month. Payments are made via this page on our website.

Group Activities – Tales Reading Classes

Robin Bloor runs a Tales Study Group, which meets every Wednesday. Click here for more details.

Group Activities – Movements and Work Days

We participate in Work Days with The New Braunfels Group that is led by John and Barbara Heffel. John also runs a weekly movements class on Saturday Mornings, which some group members participate in.

In both cases, the meeting begins with a sitting at 9.00am. Workdays continue until 4.00pm. The movements classes continue up to about 11.30am.

John’s address is:

3100 fm 2722
New Braunfels
TX 78132.

Click here to see the current schedule of Work days.

