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Only conversations with people who are involved in The Work have been selected for this page
Father Joseph Azize
09 JAN 21—1:54:37
Father Joseph Azize, is the author of the 2020 book, Gurdjieff: Mysticism, Contemplation, & Exercises. He is also a priest in the Maronite Catholic Church, working chiefly in the Chancery. For twenty-three years, he was a practicing attorney for the Commonwealth of Australia, serving at one time as acting Senior Assistant Director of Publications. He has published academically in three areas: ancient history, litigation law, and now in religious studies, and has also written music for use in the Maronite liturgy.
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Robin Bloor
15 AUG 20—1:55:48
Robin Bloor is the author of To Fathom The Gist Volume III: The Arousing of Thought, the third in a series of books that examine how to read and comprehend the contents of G. I. Gurdjieff’s master work, All and Everything: Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson. Our conversation ranges from some practical insights from The Tales, to the nature of Objective Art, to an introduction to the subject of Objective Science.
Earlier in life, Bloor met and became a pupil of Rina Hands. Rina was a one-time associate of J. G. Bennett, a student of Peter Ouspensky’s, and later, a pupil of George Gurdjieff. Robin leads a group, The Austin Gurdjieff Society, in Austin, Texas. Aside from the usual movements and Work activities, the group specializes in the study of Gurdjieff’s writings and the study of Objective Science, as articulated by Ouspensky in In Search of The Miraculous, and by Gurdjieff in The Tales.
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Richard Webb
09 JAN 21—1:54:37
As well as being a strategic consultant to global companies, Richard is a Sufi practitioner. In this conversation, we discuss the challenge of rising above the cloud of malaise that can so seductively hold our attention, the utilization of breath and the energetic system of the body to support us in this challenge, and how the human biological machine is naturally designed to enable us to rise up to take this all on. Richard brings an earthy and immediate wisdom to our conversation that is both deadly serious yet leavened with humor and compassion.
As a young man, Richard entered into an intensive apprenticeship with noted Sufi teacher Reshad Feild and ultimately worked with Feild and his community for almost twenty years. He found himself at a crossroads in the early 2000s that led to his initiation into a shamanic tradition. His work was soon complemented with the initiation into the Tibetan Chöd tradition which weaved in a web of community support into the sometimes wild and elemental work of the shamanic tradition.
Red Hawk
11 APR 20—1:54:10
Red Hawk is currently a tenured professor of English at U. of Arkansas, Monticello, and an author of ten books, including two well-regarded books on The Work. His other books are collections of his poems—his latest entitled The Way of the Wise Woman.
In this book, Red Hawk skillfully evokes the qualities of heart, mind, and action that characterize the awakening of “the Feminine” within woman and man.
Red Hawk has been a member of a Gurdjieff group for 36 years, a student of Mister Lee Lozowick for 22 years, a disciple of Master Osho Rajneesh for 16 years prior, and always a devotee of the great spiritual master Yogi Ramsuratkumar.
Stephen Aronson
08 FEB 20—1:57:40
Stephen Aronson is a Fourth Way group leader, writer, and retired psychologist. He received a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Connecticut in 1970 and taught as assistant professor of psychology in the early 70’s at Arizona State and Alfred University.
In 1982 Steve experienced a ‘vision’ that was an overture to a series of synchronous events culminating in his discovery of the Gurdjieff Work. He has dedicated his inner search to the methods of G.I. Gurdjieff since that time. This has profoundly influenced his understanding of the structure and function of the human psyche and his practice of clinical psychology. He participates in groups in Portland Maine, Moscow Russia and Toronto Canada. Steve is also a founding member of The Seekers Caféeating an effective portal to genuine spiritual practice.
Trevor Stewart
22 SEP 19—1:50:45
Trevor is a student of psychology, meditation, and the Gurdjieff Work. As a young adult, he worked with Buddhist teachers, practicing in an intensive monastic setting for 2 years. Trevor has studied Gurdjieff’s masterwork Beelzebub’s Tales intensively, employing textual, historical, and grammatical criticism, and has authored papers at the All and Everything conference and in other venues.
A member of Two Rivers Farm in Oregon, he has worked with the Gurdjieff Movements in both America and Europe, and is an amateur pianist who studies the Gurdjieff/de Hartmann music. This discussion provides a fascinating comparison and contrast between intensive monastic Buddhist practice and the Fourth Way Work of Self-Development in the context of daily life.
Federico Balsa
07 SEP 19—1:53:45
Federico Balsa is a Gurdjieff practitioner of over 30 years standing and a retired Argentine high school teacher. He is also a founding member of The Seeker’s Café. He began his Fourth Way practice with the lens of an absolutely skeptical, formatory-mind, “intelligentsia worshiping” personality.
After 11 years of practice, he had the Fourth Way equivalent of a kensho or satori, which was the point at which his skillful practice of intentional suffering really began, as he realized that his previous arrogant, self-aggrandizing views had no reliable foundation. His subsequent Fourth Way practice deeply informed his work with his high school students, and his own children. His passion, humility, and humor, makes this an energetic and often surprising conversation.
Zeke Badger
10 AUG 19—1:52:00
Zeke Badger is a long-time Fourth Way practitioner, a writer, blogger, and a founding member of the Seekers Café. He is a career educator whose work focuses upon developing and implementing nature-based educational experiences that inspire and challenge individuals toward a healthy relationship with the natural world through the use of adventure education, long distance walking adventures, and Rite-of-Passage endeavors.
He was an adjunct faculty member for the University System of New Hampshire, teaching courses in Environmental Ethics, Natural History of Northern New England, and Outdoor Skills. Zeke is currently working on two books: Going Wild: Commentaries Upon Thoreau’s Walden, Walking, and Youth’s Adventure and Long Walking as a Rite-of-Passage.