The Austin Gurdjieff Society


The Austin Gurdjieff Society was established in September 2014  by Robin Bloor following the publication of To Fathom The Gist, Vol1: Approaches to the Writings of G I Gurdjieff. His intention was to find others like himself who were deeply interested in Beelzebub’s Tales and were willing to work together on exploring its meaning.

  • Weekly group meetings

  • Online/virtual group meetings

  • Work Days

  • Movements classes

  • A Summer Week of Work

  • Online Tales Study (and readings)

  • Online seminars on Objective Science

To Become a Group Member

For those who wish to explore joining this group, click here to initiate the process.


Click here to read the simple guidelines for group members.

The Work

The menu tab above (The Work) provides some links to interesting or useful information. What Gurdjieff introduced was extensive in a number of different dimensions.: Work in Groups, Gurdjieff’s Music, The Movements, Gurdjieff’s writings, Objective Science—he was prolific.

For more on Gurdjieff and The Work, click here or explore the links provided by the menu above.
